Setting up App Permissions

Summary: For SharePoint 2013 workflows, app permissions need to be set up in order to use impersonation steps.


  1. Navigate to the Site Settings , then  Manage site features
  2. Select Activate for Workflows can use app permissions
  3. Navigate to Site Settings  then Site App Permissions
    From the code, copy the bold part of the code (from | until @)
  4. Add this string to the end of the site URL: _layouts/15/appinv.aspx
  5. On this page, Paste in Highlighted App Id from step 3 then select Look up
  6. Add the XML below in the Permission Request XML box then Select Create.
    <AppPermissionRequest Scope=”http://sharepoint/content/sitecollection/” Right=”FullControl” />
  7. Select Trust it, in the next screen